Equine Veterinary Surgeon

Location Kirkcaldy
Discipline: Veterinary
Contact name: UK Vets

Contact email: vetjobs@supreme-ss.com
Job ref: 4474

Equine Veterinary Surgeon

Full and Part Time hours considered
Weekends: 1 in 4 full weekends and on call
On Call: TBC
Salary: Dependent on experience (Ask Recruiter Below)  

They have been established in their practice in Cupar since 2003 and pride themselves on being able to treat all animals. As well as looking after all small pets, the team of friendly vets and nurses also provide unrivalled care for horses and livestock.

All applications are confidential and dealt with in the strictest confidence.

For more information please contact the below: 

Rebekka Chadwick 
Recruitment Consultant  

M: 07706 346517 